Seeing that I live in a country (Canada) where we all enjoy socialistic universal medical care (No one gets left out, or left behind, at least medically speaking), and Bro Mark and I will be traveling in the US of A, I need to get major medical insurance for the Big Ride.
So I went to my local CAA (Canadian version of US of A's AAA. That's different from just "AA") and purchased said insurance. I feel better now. Security is a wonderful thing.
While at the CAA office I picked up a nice map of Arizona and a nice map of California. But I will not be taking these maps with me.
Rather, these are for marking out our entire route with a purple highlighter so that my wife and daughters can, from the comfort of our home, track Bro Mark's and my daily progress and they can vicariously enjoy our adventure (or not. These ladies might be too busy having fun with me not around!).
These maps will be (with approval from the powers that be) taped on our kitchen wall. (If they were really important documents, they would go on the refrigerator, but it the door is not big enough anyway.)
Kind of like a "war map" posted at Command Headquarters. (Perhaps watching "Patton" and "Enemy at the Gate" recently while riding on my trainer bike machine has impacted me more than I think, eh?)
The exercise of marking out where we will be traveling, and how long we will be traveling each day, and where we will (hopefully) end up at the end of each day was both sobering and exciting.
We have bit off a big adventure. But isn't that what life is all about?
I was going to "copy" the route, which lists daily point to point destinations and distances. and put it in this posting. But I couldn't get my computer to "copy." (Sigh. Not enough to be just a communicator these days; you have to be technological wizard, too.)
Perhaps my daughter, Marian, who knows almost everything about everything when it comes to navigating life on a personal computer or mobile device, will help me do that for a next entry on this blog.
(Maybe I should ask Bro Mark if it is ok to post our route. Maybe he wants to keep it a secret. I don't really see the purpose in that. Looking at the route, I don't think we will know where we are most of the time. So I doubt if you could find us either. Why are you laughing? Think I'm joking? Wait and see. Does Major Medical Insurance cover almost starving to death in the desert, I wonder?)
As I folded my maps up and started to get back to my real job that pays the bills, a quote from one of my favorite movies, "Mr. Magorium's Magical Emporium," came to mind:
"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it."
(I love that!)
May that be our experience today no matter where we are or what we are doing!
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller