Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Journey Begins Here

Ready to Roll
Most of the time I ride alone. Not that I am anti-social. But there just aren't very many people up and about and eager to pedal as the sun rises near my rural home.

But I sense that whether a person rides alone by either choice or circumstance, most bikers celebrate biking as a shared experience. A "Brotherhood of Bikers" type thing.

Biking is (usually) a pleasant, happy experience. Such experiences we enjoy sharing. Either with someone at the moment. Or at a later time. Perhaps over a cup of tea. Or, as in my case, through the technological miracle of "the blog."

My biking and blogging delight will be to share past, present, and future riding experiences for the simple purpose of giving the interested biker, or just interested person, the pleasure of a simple story of something that really happened in real life, from the vantage point of a bike seat.

I hope you enjoy the adventures we share as bike and blog together.